Introducing our 3 step approach to digital marketing
19 June 2014

The idea of digital marketing and SEO can be daunting one for any business. However, it is now one the most important ways of connecting with your customers and growing your business.
But what is digital marketing & SEO?
We have all heard of the different elements that make up the digital marketing mix, but it is another matter entirely to be able to plan, implement and measure a digital marketing strategy that delivers success for your business.
The diagram below (click to view larger) shows the range of the most effective digital marketing activities we implement on behalf of clients – there are many more to choose from.
It is not a dark art as some would have you believe, but it does require specialist know how and a well organised, strategic approach.
Our Simple 3 Step Approach
At Blue Wren we have designed a simple 3 step approach to successful digital marketing & SEO.
We use our specialist technical expertise and in-depth marketing experience to deliver results for the business. That’s right – it’s about getting results – whether that is increased sales, business enquiries, customer engagement or brand profile – this is why you spend money on marketing.
Let us explain our 3 step approach…
Step One: The Assessment
As with all marketing activity it is essential that we first agree what it is the business wants to achieve. This is then compared and contrasted with where the business is now for us to better understand the necessary digital marketing activities.
We analyse your current range web activity and how it is performing. We identify areas offering further potential that are not yet being utilised and we take a baseline to know where we are starting from.
The assessment provides us with the template to build a plan that will achieve your goals.
Step Two: The Digital Marketing One Page Plan
This is the tool that will guide all our activities for your business.
We list the over-arching goal of the business and the KPIs that we measure our success against. These are recorded every month.
We list the monthly hours we have budgeted for the campaign.
We create a Tool Box for the campaign. These are the digital marketing and SEO tools we identified in the assessment as potentially delivering the greatest impact. They are split into essential and recommended tools. It is only when the essential tools are working well, and there is budget available that we move on to the recommended tools.
The final part of the one page plan is the activity list. This summarises the work we have done and the work we plan to do. Every task relates directly to the tools we selected for the campaign.
The activity list is fluid, in that it changes on a daily basis depending on the impact of activities already implemented.
Stage Three: Report, Rinse & Repeat
Every month we produce a client report that is a concise snapshot of the campaign’s performance. The report summarises:
- What we did
- The impact it had – measure of KPIs
- What we will do next month
The report is supplied to the client for review and reference.
The report is also used to rinse and repeat the One Page Plan – defining the planned the activities for the next month.
In summary our simple 3 step approach to digital marketing is all about delivering results.
But it provides you with a transparent and easy to follow audit trail of our activity to prove that we are not witch doctors performing some dark art, but are in fact marketing professionals with a passion to deliver the best possible results to all our customers.
If you believe digital marketing is essential to the success of your business we would love to help.