Our 4-step process for software delivery
18 October 2023

For every software solution we deliver our aim is to precisely align with our customer’s unique set of requirements.
To accomplish this, we have developed a tried and tested 4-step delivery process that is consistent, efficient and centred around the customer.
To deliver our 4-step process we employ the Scrum project management methodology. This agile approach enables us to work in two-week Sprint cycles, providing regular updates ensuring flexibility to adapt to changing requirements, and maintaining a high level of transparency and collaboration throughout the project.
In the following article we describe our innovative 4-step process in more detail.
Step One: Business Analysis
The journey begins with Business Analysis. This is a critical first step and ensures the software is designed to meet specific business needs, ultimately leading to increased productivity, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage.
The specifics of this phase include:
Initial Discovery: We meet with the customer to firm up the project’s milestones and define the Minimum Viable Product (see our Blog on what MVP means). We gather all relevant information, identify potential risks, and prepare an initial Project Board.
Internal Handover: Our team meets internally to discuss the project, share relevant materials, and agree on the best approach. This collaboration allows us to provide a unified front from the outset and ensures everyone is on the same page, internally and externally.
Product Meeting: We again engage with the customer in a deep dive on MVP requirements, transitioning the customer relationship from Sales to Product Management. We draft user stories for the MVP and follow up with any additional information needed.
Process Mapping: We prepare detailed process maps for all key processes, annotating them with important information and necessary details. They provide a visual representation of the different functionality and user journeys of the software. This gives clarity to the software workflows and reduces potential misunderstandings and ambiguities. The maps are shared with the customer for comments and feedback.
Data Processing: In this phase, we define data modelling requirements and prepare a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). Data modelling is a fundamental process in software development as it defines the data structure and relationships, facilitating the effective storage, retrieval, and manipulation. The DPIA is shared with the customer to keep on file, ensuring data security and compliance.
Configuration Preparation: We perform a final review of all assets and information, clarify any outstanding issues, and confirm what will be delivered for the MVP. This phase also includes setting up dedicated cloud infrastructure for the software. At this point, we notify the customer that the MVP phase is ready to commence.
Step Two: Configuration
The Configuration step is where we bring the software to life. To do this we adopt an iterative development approach.
This is where the project is divided into smaller, manageable increments, and each increment is developed, tested, and delivered in a series of iterations or passes. Iterative development allows for flexibility, adaptation, and incremental progress. We find that this allows us to deliver MVP more effectively and efficiently meaning the customer can start getting value from their new system sooner.
First Pass: In the initial configuration, we set up the software to demonstrate an end-to-end journey. We test the system internally and then present a demo to the customer, collecting their valuable feedback. Following customer testing, we collate their feedback, update the project, and prepare for the second pass.
Second Pass: Building on the initial configuration, we refine and enhance it to meet MVP requirements and address feedback from the first pass. After internal testing another demo is presented to the customer. Again, their feedback is collected, incorporated, and the system is prepared for a third pass or for launch.
Third Pass: If necessary, we conduct a third pass and final pass to refine and address any remaining feedback. We confirm to the customer that the work is complete and the MVP is ready. A final demo is presented to the customer for their satisfaction.
**Further Iterations: Generally, most of our configurations are delivered in two or three iterations. If however, the requirements are significantly complex then we will deliver additional iterations until MVP has been delivered and the customer is ready for the launch phase.
Step Three: Launch
The Launch phase marks a significant milestone in the project:
Launch: Here, we confirm the launch plan with the customer, support any data transfer or uploads, and launch the software, ensuring a seamless transition to the new system. The customer will then two versions of their new software; a test version and a live version.
The test version remains accessible so the customer as it provides a controlled environment for further development and validation of any required changes. The live version is the customer’s primary working environment. It is a fully functional, production-ready system that supports their daily operations and business activities.
3rd Party Integrations (if required): If the project involves third-party integrations, we will provide API documentation and liaise with these external partners to test and confirm successful integration.
Step Four: Support
The final phase of our journey involves supporting and enhancing the software for the remainder of our relationship.
Support: We issue a Service Level Agreement (SLA) and continue to provide support and enhancements once the software is live.
This ongoing support is facilitated through a ticket system, ensuring that our customers’ needs are met and their software remains up to date and efficient.
Any change requests are first deployed to the test version for customers to review and sign-off before being pushed live.
We’re committed to creating tailored software solutions that align with our customers’ unique requirements.
We have learned through experience that following this rigorous 4-step process and employing the Scrum project management methodology we can guarantee transparent communication, regular updates, and successful project delivery.
If you’re looking for a partner to bring your new software project to life, we have the platform and the process to turn your vision into reality.
Further Reading
- What is MVP?
- How to create a simple process map for your business
- Measuring productivity: our productivity metrics
- Our Productivity Story